It is hard and confusing to be uprooted from peace each time you barely get into it. Or rather not to be able to sink completely into unity and simplicity. There is peace too in community, but it has a different, more active rhythm. 

Thomas Merton

There is no great mystery or mystique to painting. You just pick up the brush and go! Mystery and mystique lie in the deep recesses of your being, that through the action of picking up the brush, become exposed.
We are not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be discovered.

I feel I am to hermit for two weeks.

This is the time until I drive again; this time to Denver.

It is the time in between what was holidays away with John and what will be holiday celebration with my boys.

It’s in between time.

Two weeks then of quiet, inside time to close out and reflect, to look forward and prepare.

It is Capricorn season as I write this; the ides of winter with temperatures even here nearing zero.

The moon too, joining the sun in the sign of the goat, dark as it is then, new. This moon, this sun, dancing there together calling us all into the dark with them, to silence, to quieting, to quickening to the self within.

I am determined to create this year. Yet not as you might think.

Create, brush in hand, yes always. Like the pen to journal pages each morning, this is irrefutable in my day.

But I mean the deliberate creation of my year.

In as much as it is possible, letting flow and serendipity, surprise and synchronicity all come along into the plan, I am here to create my year.

Like a layer cake I look to my life and let the year to come be filling with the sweet layering of delight, amongst the dense satisfaction of planning carried out.

Two weeks. I use them well. My year is coming whether I create it or not. I begin today, I begin each day, adding a layer of best intentions to the flow of color and light that is my life and is this year.

in love.
