408: occupy the still room of thought

Asian culture long taught value lie inside quiet spaces not filling air with words interior terrain is infinitely expansive limitelessly rewards bountifully wise western eyes turn to the truth before the still room shrinks to...

407: nobody ever had or was a self*

hit the nail on the head he says I agree before leads in the next question as usual always more questions no absolutes why self at all it’s only caused so many troubles wars fights separations the least of which the longest name misunderstandings isn’t it...

405: as the world turns

plants appear not as objects but subjects these living, striving beings are trying to make it in the world— and trying to make the world that they are a part of as I look around the rooms I see hanging, sitting, cascading fonds, leaves, flowers I wonder at their...

404: push back

why push back against the morning it comes for millennia no consideration for whether it’s wanted or not a lesson there choosing what is right for the one holding fast to conviction and keeping on changes the world one day at a time

403: slump back

slump back into the cradle of bedpraising the actionable works of anotheras if by association, earned merits for oneselfwhen life tolls what will stand more worthythe bed having cradledthe man having praisedor the one having raised their hand, placing it onto the...