Life itself can be thought of as an alphabet by which God graciously makes known his presence and purpose and power among us. Like the Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet of grace has no vowels, and in that sense his words to us are always veiled, subtle, cryptic, so that it is left to us to delve their meaning, to fill in the vowels for ourselves by means of all the faith and imagination we can muster. God speaks to us in such a way, presumably, not because he chooses to be obscure but because, unlike a dictionary word whose meaning is fixed, the meaning of an incarnate word is the meaning it has for the one it is spoken to, the meaning that becomes clear and effective in our lives only when we ferret it out for ourselves.

Frederick Buechner

I taught today. This is the closest word I can give to what I am doing but really, I am not teaching a thing.

I broadcast; perhaps that is a better word.

I show up to a group online, get my paints going, and invite others to come along in hopes it leads them deeper into themself, and into their reason for creating.

It has been a long-held belief of mine that we all contain all we need within. Everything to do and thrive in our desires and passions is woven into our cells at conception.

When one believes this way it can seem to be in direct conflict with the notion that one can bring anything to ‘teach’ others.

Time for a reframing.

2022 is a 1 year for me in numerology. I am not big into numerology but I am big into tools and systems that help me get over stuck places and beyond difficult transition points.

I know; I see it too; isn’t this just like the something I would be offering by ‘teaching’ others?!

It’s a conundrum.

But I am coming to terms with it.

As we are woven at conception with the dna of all of our knowings to carry us through to our final breath, then I propose the teachers, the guides, the gurus, the partners, the practitioners of caregiving and uplifting; they all work to help us see the tapestry of this weaving we are, so that we can live the beauty of it better each day.

Therefore I say again; I taught today. I took my paint brush in hand, called others to stand alongside, and painted fresh light and truth over the canvas that is our collective living here now, so that each person along awoke to a more clear vision of their threads and yarns woven into the whole.

There. Not quite a dictionary definition, but I taught today.

in love.
