Venus in Capricorn was conjunct the sun this weekend. This to me it points to firm foundations and systems (Capricorn) aligning to our sun (passion/how we show up) in loving and heart-centered ways (Venus). 

What better energy than to show up to create with intention and grounded determination in love!?-and to use this as a reminder, a realigning, to your intentions for your best self in your art and creative goals.

Goals only serve us when they are aligned to our truest self.

Yes we can push ourselves on through a goal to manifest things, and we all can identify where we have done this. But does it last? Is it heart-centered? Is it soul-satisfying?

Is it foundational to our nature and therefore well rooted and able to grow for life?

As you face into this new day, new week, shake things out a bit. Give your arms, shoulders, torso, hips a good wiggle. Smile. Really smile.

Then ask yourself where you have been feeling aligned, or not so much. This can be as simple as ‘where have I been working (on this current painting) that I am finding immovability and stuck-ness? What is this asking me to see, or to adjust?’

By approaching the stuck-ness this way, asking what it is asking you to see, helps our conventional thinking selves to stop bulling-on through, as if breaking all the china in the shop will reveal an answer!

If you are flowing and feeling free, good on you! Ask it too, how the alignment has aligned, and where it would like you to flow. You may be surprised by the answer….

Let surprise be your wonder and keep on.

in love.
