You want fruit from the plants that align with your soul.

January  2022 is a 7 month in numerology. 

Numerology has captured my attention in the past two weeks. There’s something about the things I have heard of it that have begun to resonate and in resonation, I dive in. (I note here also that it’s curious how things that have always been there, in this case numerology around my peripheral vision, can suddenly come into focus and hold value. Timing is everything….?)

7 in numerology is about getting into your roots. Pythagoras is supposedly the founding father of numerology and he favored the number 7. It is not found in nature the way other numbers are but rather shows up in the colors of the rainbow, and the notes of a scale; neither of which are evidencially visible. 7 is about the essence of things, not tangibility; because of this Pythagoras felt that the 7 points to true spiritual power.

This first month of this new year is about planting. It is by being a new year, but noting it is a 7 first month in this new year drives this planting theme even deeper (planting pun intended).

We have seeds in the ground from the past two years of lock down and shake up. We have planted, and though we can’t see any growth yet maybe, the roots are taking form.

This is what happens with a 7 archetype. Growth is happening deep down, forming firm foundations so that when the fruits begin to bear, they can be supported by these solid, deeply driven root systems.

Translating this back to humans, our roots are going deep this month by way of paying attention to and asking ourselves important questions about our values, how we are aligning, and what are our truest essences. When we answer these questions, honestly and succinctly, we can more readily return to them with each opportunity and idea that we choose to undertake. These roots-our values and alignments-grow strong and are able to support us when we have intentionally and consciously planted.

For this month it is advised then, for a person to spend time inside. January is a good month for this in the most practical sense. It’s cold outside! But this inside I’m suggesting is the inside of self. Perhaps not yet spelunkered in your life, take this month to give it a dive. What you find there is meant to support you. It is meant to serve as rooting from which all else can grow. Take this seriously. Take it to heart. As we enter into this year of living from the heart, it is imperative now more than ever, to do so only once we have firmly established ourselves in our ground of truth and value-based rooting. Remind yourself that while you can not see roots grow, they are doing so all the same. Sometimes it is the things happening deep down, in the dark, that bear the biggest harvests in the end.

I look forward to seeing what comes in my fruiting as I do this work myself.

In love.
