when you wonder~

I’ve wandered into big wonder many times in my life the child, wildly birthed from my own body gently cradled into my arms.           the workshop faces, staring back at me, the eager eyes, telling me I have something good and get to...

The Importance of what I do~

I don’t know. Maybe I never will. But it feels real…. what I do….importance. I say I get to and I mean this               I get to! but I also have to. I’ve learned this this year I have to. It is for this if...


It’s me 🙂 My week! For the past six weeks you’ve heard from guest bloggers-my fellow ECamp instructors-telling of their inspirations, process and practice in developing their unique seven panels for our collaborative exhibit. This final week is all mine....

Finding “The Hook”

This weeks posts are from Shary Bartlett! This is the fifth week in our collaborative exhibit share; in case you have missed  the previous I encourage you to take a look! Begin with Michelle Belto, follow on to Amanda Jolley, Crystal Neubauer and Erin Keane. Enjoy!...