404: push back

why push back against the morning it comes for millennia no consideration for whether it’s wanted or not a lesson there choosing what is right for the one holding fast to conviction and keeping on changes the world one day at a time

403: slump back

slump back into the cradle of bedpraising the actionable works of anotheras if by association, earned merits for oneselfwhen life tolls what will stand more worthythe bed having cradledthe man having praisedor the one having raised their hand, placing it onto the...

402: walk in the dark

It can be so strange to walk through the darkness in a space a room a corridor which you know so well in the light you can find your way alright recalling from when the light illuminated still the table there the chair the cabinet the bush the tree trunk yet you find...

401: boxed there

The television begins to ring my ears boxed there just 8 feet away he pays no mind this is normal for him an ignorable habit for me an intrusion on peace is this sensitivity too much to the normalcy of life or do I harken back to days when we had interior spaces to...

400: hostile environment

introspection soon proves hostile even laws of physics confounding prove out more reliable and real than the thoughts that arise sitting alone with chin tucked to chest that navel we so want to be right understand and comprehend and get things of this world well right...