31 Days of Starts

March 15, 2023 @ 1:00 pm  April 14, 2023 @ 1:00 pm


A live guided group gathering to usher in spring! 

Each day at 1pm eastern a live YouTube 10+minute exercise to begin a new painting. At the end of the time, as the temperatures warm into spring in this northern hemisphere, you will have before you 31 new places to begin from in your painting and creative practice!

We will use paint (come with whatever medium you have; encaustic, acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastel) and charcoal, graphite (pencil), caran d’arche. Mix it up based on what you have in your studio; do not feel you must have these exact materials.

I will work on watercolor paper cut to my desired size, intending a collection of all same size creations. You come with the surfaces and size you want to begin with each day!

This is the second year we will gather this way and feedback has suggested that these creations, and the experience, just get better as you return to them after they’ve had time to rise <3 
I look forward to you all and this time that will surely be a little bit of hitting the refresh button for a coming new awakening season of growth.