‘Looking along the beams, and looking at the beams are very different experiences.’


Patrick and I went swimming this evening; in the Pacific Ocean.

From the breakline of a white sandy beach.

Just where the Indian meets this Pacific.

In Australia.

We went swimming in the ocean in Australia.

Certainly I don’t expect that statement to carry nearly the same weight for you as it does in me, but close your eyes and imagine from where I stand for a moment….

picture the globe,

the world.

Seattle Washington high up on the left;

northern hemisphere.



Cold Pacific waters.

Turn it a bit; look right.


Into the summer.


High clouds.

Warm pacific waters.

We are here.

We were there.

As I looked out across this new side

Of the ocean,

I felt the overwhelming beauty of it

Stood in awe that I was here.

With the same awe a beam of light

Cutting through the morning window pane elicits,

This ocean view struck me.

Then I jumped in.

We together tip-toed out into the turquoise

Until the shock became warm

And we were floating,


Swimming in the crashing waves.

There is no restraining a smile.

A giggle.

A laugh.

We were engulfed in the glorious


So commonplace for some,

So awe inspired for us.

We were no longer glancing into the beam of morning light,

But now bathing in it.

All it is and offers.


God means for us to do more than stand and admire the beams for what they are;

He means for us to walk into them and see the sun from which they come~

Dive in.

When our hearts run along the beam of blessing to the source of its blaze,

we have stepped into the fullness of where we are meant to be.

Dive in.

In love. Trish