This is one in a series of posts in which Trish attempts to dissect the purpose and meaning of dreaming; of looking beyond what is to what if~
Working my way towards the answer myself….and here’s the part II-dream I put on paper before me~

Back to my original post, my intent from the start of this search and query.

I’m risking.
I’m tossing my dreams out there.
Not to get responses. Not to hear the naysayers-neither the

I’m dreaming in pen and ink so I can see it
so I can live it
And so I can be it.

I’m tossing my dreams out there.
out here.

‘Do the hard work to find a superior answer’

Dream part two
introverted (look up the true definition before you judge)
or something as yet
and similar~
that lives in this

That’s all I know.

Dream bigger than myself,
unattainable in who I am alone,
unclear on how it fits into where I am
what I do
who I support
and where I look to be going.

But that’s it; dream part ii:
to explore and pursue.

I’ve heard tell it can fit into
a ‘real life’.
I’ve never had a real life
so I look forward to seeing how it
fits into my life….
truth be told,
it’s already lurking
around the edges….

If Doris Day can do it.
in love. trish