Week one:

Okay, so we’ve ventured into week three already, and I am playing catch up a bit, but in truth I had to digest all that came my way in week one, and work through week two, before I could settle into it all and find a place to best share it with all of you from!

So here it is; mostly in pictures, which are surprisingly few as I so often forget to photograph as I am in process! And next time, I am going to have each student hold one of their paintings to post, and record who is who!!!!

Patrick jumped in and picked up the slack for me on this one!


In love. Trish


As so often is the case, generosity has knocked my socks off once more.

Albany, WA-that’s Western Australia not Washington for now-is a glorious place positioned on the southern coast of western Australia (hence, the state’s name!) cooler summers and temperate climate bring vacationers here during the holidays. As such, for over thirty years now Albany has hosted an event titled Albany Summer School. Being a draw for artists and crafters for decades, southern Australia brings creatives in droves! This year was no exception, and I was the blessed recipient of their sharing; in talents as well as gifts! In truth, it took me this long to write about it in great part because I have been simply overwhelmed that people can be so generous to me. I still am. Yet, I realize I have to begin to tell me story on the ground here, as well as the wonder I’ve begun to experience. And in sharing this, I hope to thank them just a bit in return for their generous spirits~

From Patrick and I both, thank you Albany Summer School and the fantastic 15 of Encaustic 101 🙂

With hopes this is ‘until next year’~




DON’T MISS! Currently artist in residence at Vancouver Arts Centre, 85 Vancouver Street, Albany, WA Saturday, yes Australia day! Is the show opening! Noon will find us gathering in the gallery to share Australia day food, beverages and wonderful waxy art. Please come for a certain to be grand time before you head off to fireworks and more fun!