I don’t know.

Maybe I never will.

But it feels real….

what I do….importance.

I say I get to

and I mean this









I get to!

but I also have to.

I’ve learned this this year

I have to.

It is for this

if nothing else-


Someday someone will be able to know

for what~

All that can open the heart in heaven can be found on earth~ Hafiz

The final of the pbsartistOPENStudio workshops retreat ran last month.









It was not perfect. If I must be painfully honest it was the least of the three in greatness. But not for fault of the workshops-

the instructors were amazing. The people fantastic. The time wonderfully spent and wholly captured.

It was for fault of my presence.


I learned a lot for this, in this time.6071





2016 is the first year running this model.

It has been a spectacular ‘test’ year. It has been filled with revelation and wonder, conviction and confidence.







As much as anxiety and doubts.

I discovered in this,






the diversions from wonder through to doubt,

that they both, all, belong. I can not have to, and get to,

without both faith and doubt.

For this I can say it was

6453 the best year yet. Yet, only with the conviction it is so because I have learned. And grown. And intend…









to do different, and the same, and more, and less,

with this wonder and doubt,

confidence and anxiety

each year forward. I will not stop.6119







I get to. I have to.

There are signs everywhere, if only we learn how to see them. Phil Cousineau

This is why I EncaustiCamp.

And pbsartistOPENStudio

in love.


next up in May: Michelle Belto and Geoffrey Gorman with form 🙂 Information coming soon!


all workshop photos credit Melissa Hall